Boy… it looks he’s losing some blood there…
We now at $2810/month with 297 Patrons over at the Patreon Page! Our first two Milestone Goals have already been triggered. Patrons now get to see the pencil art along with the colored art for each update, and Patrons who chose to receive the Special Digital Rewards are now getting the safe-for-work Digital Kickstarter rewards, sent out to them every week! (These rewards include special wallpapers for their desktops and mobile phones, featuring gorgeous pin-up art of The Young Protectors’ characters, a PDF copy of the Volume One book, and more! This Wednesday was a very cool pin-up of the entire team on a night-time urban rescue mission, called “Save the Night”!)
And that’s in addition to receiving the special Sneak Peek Sunday updates — Patrons have already gotten to see Fluke and Flyboy shirtless as Special Digital Rewards, this Sunday, it’ll be Spooky’s turn and he’ll just be in his boxers! And people who become Patrons now and choose to receive the Special Digital Rewards will get to see all the art that’s been posted so far — so if you’re a Fluke or Flyboy fan or want to download the full-color Save the Night wallpaper, you won’t miss out!
It also means we’re only $190/month away from turning The Young Protectors into a permanent twice-weekly comic! We’re so close to getting all the art and web hosting for this comic paid for (which would be a huge step to making things sustainable!) — and for making sure our two pages of comics per week don’t get interrupted — and that’s because YOU ALL ARE ROCK STARS! THANK YOU! (And we’re also coming up to other Milestone Goals, including Patrons receiving the NSFW Kickstarter Rewards with full nudity, something I’ll never show on this site.)
There are lots of great benefits to being a Patron, almost 300 of your fellow readers have joined in the last couple weeks, and you’d really be helping me out if you became one too. If you’re enjoying our work here and would like to see it continue (and would like to get access to all kinds of special benefits!),
please take a moment to watch the video on my Patreon page and consider becoming a Patron.
We had our eighty-first bonus page in a row on Wednesday! And, thanks to your generous donations, and in addition to our regular Saturday updates, we’ve got just one more bonus page “in the bank”: page 102 which will be posted on Wednesday, February 4th!
I want to send out my warmest thank yous out to all the new Patrons who have joined in the last few days. As you can see in the comments below, a bunch more folks have had a blue, silver, or gold YP badge added to their Disqus avatars, which means they are a Patron. If you see one of these folks, please join me in extending my thanks for directly supporting the making of this comic! And please also send out a special thanks to those exceptionally generous backers who are on the Leaderboard of Awesome page. You all ROCK!
So! Spooky’s still in this fight so far, but he’s definitely hurt. Will he be able to keep The Annihilator in the air and out of trouble? And how are the other team members doing?
Tune in this Wednesday to find out for the last bonus page ever! Hope to see you there!
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